Access and authentication

School subscriptions can be accessed in numerous ways, and your school or college can pick and choose which works best for you and your students.

Single sign-on

MASSOLIT supports single sign-on (SSO). Please contact to discuss getting your school or college's MASSOLIT account set up with SSO. Access via SSO is by far the best method of accessing the site and we can set this up free of charge so we encourage you to reach out to support at your earliest convenience.


Username / Password

We can authenticate a range of email suffixes (e.g. This means anyone with a corresponding email address can self-register for a user login on your school's account. You can also import a CSV file and bulk-create users.

Please note: we can only authenticate email suffixes that are unique to your institution. If a suffix is shared with multiple schools or your local council, we will NOT enable it.


IP Authentication

We can add your school or college's external IP address(es) or range(s) so that when using a computer or device on your network, you are automatically authenticated and able to watch subscribed-to content.

You can still log into your user account on your network if you wish to benefit from our suite of teaching tools.